Outlander is such a wonderful historical drama series with its romance, drama, politics, and so much more! Though there's also been quite a few deaths on the show over the years. And I don't see it stopping anytime soon. It's part of the story and what makes Outlander, well, Outlander.
There are some characters who honestly deserved to meet their end, while others death came too early. And so, there's some we would bring back and some we wouldn't. Who are they? Read on below to see our list!

Faith Fraser
BRING BACK: Unfortunately there's been a lot of death on this show. But I think the absolute most heartbreaking one is Jamie and Claire's daughter, Faith Fraser, in Outlander season 2. I still can't watch that episode. These two missed out on raising a child together, and if she stayed alive perhaps they would have gotten that chance. And maybe things would have turned out differently instead of Jamie and Claire separated for 20 years. The loss of a child is one of the most difficult hardships a parent can face, and this one really hit all the emotions.
Alex Randall
BRING BACK: Unlike his brother Black Jack Randall, Alex is such a sweet and kind soul. He didn't deserve the awful sickness that befell him, and the suffering he went through. I also really liked him and Mary together. Their relationship was so pure. At least she had their baby, who turns out to be Frank's direct ancestor, to hold on to. But their story got cut short in such a tragic way. Thankfully she wasn't married to Black Jack for a long time before he headed off to Culloden and died there. But yeah, Alex and Mary definitely deserved a happy ending.
Black Jack Randall
WOULDN'T BRING BACK: Speaking of Black Jack, this one is pretty obvious. I think none of us would ever want to see this vile man again. He should have died in Wentworth prison when the herd of cattle trampled him. But somehow, he made it out alive. It would have saved Jamie and Claire so much heartbreak in the second season, including the loss of Faith, if the bastard was gone earlier. That didn't happen, but he finally met his end at the Battle of Culloden and Jamie got to do it himself. Good riddance!