After the Agatha All Along premiere helped to catch Marvel fans up on what came of Agatha after we last left her in WandaVision and broke the spell Wanda had placed on her, the second episode of the season does a fantastic job of doubling as a true second part to the premiere event. Episode 2, “Circle Sewn with Fate Unlock Thy Hidden Gate,” puts all the major pieces into place to set up the show’s central journey by introducing the key players who will be joining us down the witches’ road.
Warning: Spoilers are ahead for the second episode of Agatha All Along!
Picking up after the events of the premiere, Agatha is ready to make a quick getaway before the Salem 7 show up to seek vengeance and has no interest in finding out who the mysterious teen who broke into her home is. Just as she’s about to leave, the teen manages to peel back the duct tape on his mouth and asks her to take him to the witches’ road.
Agatha at first denies the road’s existence, before then trying to dissuade him by saying the road would kill him if they walked it. Teen explains that he’s been obsessed with Agatha since her Salem days and that he saved her from the spell she was under, to which Agatha says that if he was good enough to break a spell placed by the Scarlet Witch he shouldn’t need to go down the witches’ road. So just why does he want to travel the witches’ road?
Well, it seems that like Agatha, he’s looking for power. He eventually persuades her by saying that the people coming after her seem like serious business and she’s going to need power to stay alive. After a brief moment of pondering in which she looks upon the strand of hair in the locket, Agatha finally asks who the boy is but she doesn’t get much of an answer as his identity seems to be concealed from Agatha via a spell of some sorts.
Curiosity peaked, Agatha agrees to go with him and the pair set out to assemble a coven.

Agatha and Teen assemble their coven
As they set out, Agatha explains that they’re going to need a coven to walk the witches’ road and she explains that within any three-mile radius, there will be a collection of witchy enough people to form one.
Their first stop is to a psychic where we meet Lilia Calderu (Patti LuPone). Agatha pretends to be a person seeking psychic assistance to determine whether Lilia is a fraud or the real deal, and at first, she’s not convinced that Lilia is actually a witch. However, when they go to leave, Lilia begins pressing Agatha about being under the influence of another, someone she hurt who took her agency for three years.
Turns out Lilia knows exactly who Agatha is and she has no interest in joining her coven as witches like Agatha are the reason the world views witches as baby thieves who hand out poison apples. She says walking the road would be a death wish and that Agatha would steal her power the moment she had a chance to.
Before she can turn them away though, something comes over Lilia and she scribbles down a list of names who will make up Agatha’s coven. With Lilia’s name on the list, Agatha and Teen tell her to meet at Agatha’s address at 5 pm as they depart to track down the next name on the list.
This leads us to Jennifer “Jen” Kale (Sasheer Zamata), a healer who has been bound leaving her without her powers and forced to sell wellness products that have now left her in a world of trouble. Like Lilia, Jen has no interest in working with Agatha, but Teen reminds her that she could be facing life in prison due to her legal woes and fills her in on the meeting details as they head out to meet the next name on the list.
As they leave, Teen asks about the other names on the list knowing there should be two more names, but Agatha says there is just one more name as she eats the list to hide the evidence, and the pair set out to meet the next name on the list: Alice Wu-Gulliver (Ali Ahn), a blood witch whose mother wrote the most famous rendition of the witches’ road ballad.
They find Alice working at a Hot Topic, but like the other witches they’ve encountered before her, Alice also has no interest in joining their coven. In fact, she doesn’t even believe in magic, but Agatha isn’t sold on that telling her to join them so that she can find the answer to the question that has been haunting her most of her life: what happened to mommy? Unfortunately, Alice races off before they can give her Agatha’s address though Agatha brushes it off saying they don’t need her anyway as they head back to Agatha’s house.

Agatha All Along episode 2 ending explained
After attempting to assemble a coven to head down the witches’ road, Agatha and Teen head back to Agatha’s place. On the drive back, Agatha attempts to get to know Teen better and asks where he’s from, but it seems his name isn’t the only thing magic is preventing Teen from sharing with Agatha as she’s unable to hear anything he says about who he is and where he’s grown up.
Once they make it back, Teen begins getting ready for the coven to arrive, and arrive they do with Jen, Lilia, and Alice all showing up (long story short, Alice is a former cop and tracked down Agatha’s address using her connections). It’s when the group has arrived that Jen realizes they’re missing a green witch whose earth magic would be essential in their quest and Teen asks Lilia about the fifth name on the list to which she reveals there was no fifth name, just a black heart.
Agatha tells the group she knows who that was referring to and runs over to Mrs. Sharron Hart’s (Debra Jo Rupp) house – sorry, Mrs. Davis’s house, turns out Mrs. Hart was the name Wanda gave her – to recruit her for the coven. With the coven assembled, Agatha sends Teen upstairs and tells the women they must sing the witches’ ballad together so that a door to the witches’ road will appear and their journey can begin.
As the coven begins singing the ballad, including a very confused Shannon, Teen hears a strange noise and realizes that the Salem 7 have arrived to seek vengeance on Agatha. While Teen does his best to guard the house, Agatha tries to trick the coven into using their powers to attack her so she can steal their powers after thinking their attempt to open the door failed. Much to everyone’s surprise, their song was not a failure and did indeed work with a door appearing behind them.
Just as they open the door, Teen comes running down the stairs and right through the door as the Salem 7 chase after him. The other witches follow him, including Agatha who is the last to pass through the gateway that seals behind them, keeping them out of the reach of the Salem 7, at least for now.
The coven has officially made their way to the witches’ road, which they begin down once they take off their shoes and leave them behind.
Why do Agatha and the witches take off their shoes before going down the witches road?
So just why did Agatha and her newly formed coven take off their shoes before stepping onto the witches’ road and beginning their journey? Well, the answer to this question comes right as the credits begin to roll as it’s revealed in the passage of a spellbook seen in the credits that this is a requirement for all witches who look to walk the witches’ road.
As the book reveals, witches shall remove their shoes before touching the hallowed ground as it is said that in order to connect to the power of the earth, you must touch your feet to the soil and channel her divine magic through you. There must be nothing in between, no rubber, or wood, not a sole, just your soul, thus why Agatha, Teen, and the rest of the coven ditch their shoes before traveling down the road.
Agatha All Along is streaming now on Disney+ with new episodes releasing Wednesdays at 9/8c!