The Walking Dead: Dead City
The world of The Walking Dead has outlived the original series, as the saga continues via three standalone shows focusing on major characters from it. The first of those new shows, The Walking Dead: Dead City, aired its first season last summer and the good news is that it has been renewed for a second season. However, it doesn't look like it will be returning to screens this year.
AMC recently released its 2024 schedule and even though there is a TWD Universe presence on it (both The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live and The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2, a.k.a. The Book of Carol, are set to air this year), there is no reference to Dead City season 2 - suggesting that it won't air on the cable channel this year.
That shouldn't come as a surprise to fans as this was the one TWD series that all had gone quiet on in recent months. While Daryl Dixon quickly commenced filming of its second season and The Ones Who Live completed its first, there hadn't been any updates on Dead City. Production is rumored to commence in March, and even though that isn't too far away, when you take filming time and post-production into account, it really doesn't look like the sophomore season will hit screens this year.
An early 2025 arrival is more than likely for The Walking Dead: Dead City season 2.