DC Comics: Absolute Power No. 2 brings destruction and hope

Amanda Waller uses (SPOILER) against DC Comics’ heroes and Oliver Queen shows his true colors in Absolute Power No. 2.
Absolute Power | Comic Trailer | DC
Absolute Power | Comic Trailer | DC | DC

It’s been over a month since DC Comics' new series Absolute Power debuted. In that time, Amanda Waller and her Amazo robots (Task Force VII) have depowered and captured heroes, set a curfew for civilians, and refused to listen to world leaders. This is the worst situation DC Comics heroes have been facing for a long time. Thankfully, it’s not enough for them to give up.

Inside the Fortress of Solitude, heroes debate who should be in charge. Each has reasons, but they can’t agree on who should lead. While they argue, Nightwing interrupts and takes charge. He gives a speech that motivates everyone and makes Batman proud. After giving everyone their assignments, Superman explains that the Fortress has weapons they can use to protect themselves.

Just as things start to look up, Brainiac Queen breaks into the Fortress of Solitude with Amanda Waller’s secret weapon, Superman’s son Jon Kent. That was enough to throw the heroes off balance. This allowed Dreamer to sneak in and capture more of the resistance. 

Superman pleaded with his son, but couldn’t get through to him. Jon was completely under Brainiac Queen’s power. The Flash uses Kryptonite to weaken Jon, but that doesn’t work long. Without another option, Superman initiates the self-destruct on the Fortress of Solitude. The remaining heroes escape thanks to Dreamer’s sacrifice. She said her last straw was seeing what Waller did to Jon. She appears to have died when the Fortress explodes.

Amanda Waller doesn’t seem to care what happened to Dreamer. Waller has everything she needs. Task Force VII is doing its job, over 80% of the heroes are captured, and the first mission for Brainiac Queen and Jon was successful. Thanks to Jon’s enhanced senses, there’s nowhere they can hide.

Good news for the heroes

On top of everything else, Waller has Oliver Queen. He knows the heroes and their patterns. She currently has him cataloging all the weapons she’s collected. He's the only one who understands how they work. However, she doesn’t know that Oliver Queen has never really been on her side. Queen finds one of John Starr’s Hourglasses and says, “Time’s up.”

During the fight, Batman recognizes the power signature of one of the Amazos. He doesn’t know where, but a hint is all he needs. Once Batman figures it out, it will signal the downfall of Amanda Waller, Failsafe, and the rest of her crew.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see when that happens.

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