9 goofiest moments from Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, ranked

What are the goofiest and strangest things that happened in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World? Find out right here.
Chris Pratt in Jurassic World Dominion, Universal Studios 2022
Chris Pratt in Jurassic World Dominion, Universal Studios 2022
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People have always been fascinated with dinosaurs. Tourist travel around the world to visit exhibits to look at their remains. Sometimes just to see animatronic versions of what they may have looked like. It makes sense that the Jurassic Park franchise has made billions of dollars.

The first Jurassic Park debuted in the 1990s and it was a hit. In 2015, the franchise continued its success with a second trilogy, Jurassic World. People loved seeing humans go against the beasts from the past. As popular as the films are, people also watch the movies to laugh.

Honestly, Jurassic Park and Jurassic World won't win acting awards. These are movies where you sit back and enjoy the ridiculousness. If you’ve seen them, you know there’s a lot of it to go around. In The Lost World: Jurassic Park, a teenager defeats a raptor with gymnastics. That's not close to the silliest things that have happened in this series.

Coming up are Jurassic Park and Jurassic World’s funniest, weirdest, and baffling moments. While the movies are meant to be fun, some things are too wild to not bring up. Let's begin with something that's always befuddled people.

9. One big pile of poop

Movie: Jurassic Park

As this writer stated in the opening section, some of these scenes aren’t dumb. A lot of them are goofy. Memorable, but silly, nonetheless. This is where the dino-poop comes in. Dr. Malcolm saw a giant pile of poop and said what were all thinking. “That is one big pile of (censored).” It seemed like this was more shocking to him than real-life dinosaurs.

There were a lot of scenes throughout these two trilogies, but this could be the most iconic. No one will ever forget this. How could you? It was a pile of feces that was taller and weighed more than most people. Thank goodness we couldn't smell it.