The X-Men news continues to roll out. It’s a brilliant move by Marvel Comics. Fans of the characters won’t have to wait long to see what’s next for Marvel's Mightiest Mutants after the Fall of X storyline ends. The X-Men will get right into their next era, From the Ashes.
On top of the typical X-titles like Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine, and X-Force that fans can always look forward to, Marvel has revealed that other characters are getting ongoing series, too. The newest additions to the ever-growing mutant line-up are Storm and Dazzler.
Storm has been mentioned before, but now with the tagline, “Mutants no longer have a home but they still have a queen.” On top of that is an official release window as the Storm series will begin in October - two months after she joins the Avengers for a second time.
This is genius. Storm will carry the momentum from the Avengers right into her newest run. Hopefully, this will last longer than her previous couple of series. She's too great of a character not to have a long-lasting comic. All she needs is the right creative team. That should be announced soon.
"Her world tour begins."
Dazzler getting a solo comic book run is great. She’s become a popular character over the last few years (and there is a lot of speculation about whether she could make a live-action appearance in Deadpool and Wolverine). She’s also become more powerful. Like Jubilee, Dazzler’s abilities haven’t been used or appreciated. Recently, her powers have been upgraded, as her abilities have grown stronger and she’s become more accurate. This could be the beginning of her rise to stardom.
A lot is riding on Storm and Dazzler. Marvel may give other X-Men a solo run if these series are well-received Characters like Monet St. Croix, Juggernaut, and Polaris could be next (wouldn't that be awesome?!). All they need is the right writer and artist and they can take off. Here’s hoping Dazzler and Storm are successful. Their success will lead to different and interesting stories for others.
Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see what’s next for Dazzler, Storm, and the rest of the X-Men.
What X-Men do you want to have an ongoing series? Will you buy Storm and Dazzler's comics? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Instagram and Twitter.