The Acolyte episode 7 leaves a huge question unanswered: whatever happened to [SPOILER]?

Real talk - it’s this kind of speculation that makes being a Star Wars fan so much fun.
(L-R): Torbin (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Sol (Lee Jung-jae) in Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, season one, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
(L-R): Torbin (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Sol (Lee Jung-jae) in Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, season one, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. /

SPOILER WARNING: this article contains spoilers for The Acolyte episode 7, "Choice." Please continue to read at your own risk.

In The Acolytes' latest episode, "Choice", we got to see the real truth of what happened in Brendok and how an entire coven of witches met their undoing by the meddling hands of the Jedi. While the episode did answer a few questions, it did leave us with even more questions, with this one being my personal Roman Empire: whatever happened to Mother Koril?

Mother Koril, the very relatably cranky Zabrak witch who is Mom Number Two to the twins, vanished into a cloud of Dark Force energy as Kelnacca was possessed by other chanting witches and was never seen again. Where did she go? We're told that every single witch from the coven died in this tragic accident, but without seeing Koril's body in the aftermath or even seeing her come back after Kelnacca returns to his senses, this leaves room for us to speculate wildly (and entertainingly).

Let the speculation begin.

(L-R): Torbin (Dean-Charles Chapman), Sol (Lee Jung-jae), Mother Aniseya (Jodie Turner-Smith) and Koril (Margarita Levieva) in Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, season one, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. /

Where is Mother Koril?

In The Acolyte's seventh episode, we see Mother Koril was a force to be reckoned with - quite literally. She seems to be a powerful witch on Brendok, deeply enmeshed in what the Jedi would call "sinister arts" and a leader of her coven. Her final moments on screen, though not very clear, were nothing short of epic: faced with overwhelming odds and Jedi interference, she transformed into a cloud of dark Force energy, disappearing into the ether. Poof! Gone. Vanished. No forwarding address.

This dramatic exit left us scratching our heads. Where did she go? What did she become? And most tantalizingly, could she be pulling the strings from the shadows?

Why Mother Koril could be Qimir's Sith Master

Let’s start with the juiciest bit of speculation: Mother Koril is Qimir’s Sith Master. I know, I know, it sounds like a wild theory, but let’s look at the evidence and connect some dots with our Force-sensitive minds.

1. The Dark Side Connection: Koril was no ordinary witch - she was drenched in the dark side. The kind of drenched that even waterproof Jedi robes couldn't withstand. Her transformation into dark Force energy hints at a deeper, more sinister mastery of the dark side - something that aligns perfectly with the teachings of a Sith Master.

2. Mysterious Disappearance: Sith love their dramatic exits and entrances. They’re all about the flair. Koril's disappearance is classic Sith behavior. Remember Darth Sidious and his penchant for popping up when least expected? Koril’s vanishing act could be her stepping into a larger role, preparing to mold her apprentice from the shadows.

3. Influence on Qimir: Qimir, our mysterious Sith Lord, has shown skills and knowledge that suggest a master of considerable power and experience. Mother Koril, with her deep understanding of the dark arts and survival skills, fits the profile perfectly. She could be the unseen hand guiding Qimir’s rise to power.

Star Wars: The Acolyte Episode 3 "Destiny." Mother Koril (Margarita Levieva). Image credit: /

Did Mother Koril survive?

But how did Koril survive? Here’s where we dive into the speculative (and fun) realm of theories:

1. Dark Force Energy: When Koril transformed into a cloud of dark Force energy, she didn’t die - she evolved. Think about it: it could very well have been a dark side chrysalis. In this form, she could have traversed the galaxy, untethered by physical form, gathering knowledge and strength.

2. Hiding in Plain Sight: Using her dark Force energy, Koril could have taken on different forms, hiding in plain sight. She might be lurking in the shadows, observing, manipulating events, and waiting for the perfect moment to reveal herself.

3. Mentoring Qimir: In this ethereal form, Koril could have reached out to Qimir, a Fallen Jedi (who I still believe was Master Venestra's Padawan) with promising dark side talents. She could have left Brendok with Mae and trained him in secret, imparting ancient knowledge and dark side techniques that she accumulated over her long, mysterious existence.

Let’s face it, Star Wars loves its dramatic reveals and secret apprentices. From Darth Sidious and Darth Maul to the intricate dance of light and dark in The Clone Wars, the saga thrives on these complex relationships.

Not only that, but it would make sense if Mother Koril was behind this revenge-driven plot to assassinate the Jedi who murdered her entire witch family and destroyed her peaceful life. It would also explain Qimir's saber skills and strategic awareness, showing that his power is not just raw but refined under the tutelage of a true Dark Side master.

Imagine the showdown if Koril, in some form, reveals herself. The stakes would skyrocket, and the battles would be legendary. Jedi vs. Sith, student vs. hidden master, possibly mother vs. daughter - it’s the stuff of Star Wars legend.

The Stranger (Manny Jacinto) in Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, season one, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. /

What if Mother Koril is not Qimir's Sith Master?

Okay, let’s dial back the excitement a bit and consider the alternative. What if Koril isn’t Qimir’s master but has a different role? Here are a few fun possibilities:

1. Dark Side Nexus: Koril’s transformation might have made her a living dark side nexus. She could be an entity that Qimir taps into for power, a dark side battery of sorts.

2. Ghostly Advisor: Koril could be a spectral advisor, like the dark side’s version of a Force ghost. Popping up to give cryptic advice and then vanishing in a puff of dark energy.

3. The Final Villain: Koril could be the final boss, biding her time, gathering power, and planning her revenge to overthrow not just the Jedi but the Sith as well. A true power player in the galaxy’s dark underbelly.

Whether or not Mother Koril is Qimir’s master, this speculation adds a delicious layer of mystery to The Acolyte. Her dramatic disappearance and potential return keep us on the edge of our seats, theorizing and dreaming up possibilities. Real talk - it’s this kind of speculation that makes being a Star Wars fan so much fun.

While we wait (very impatiently, might I add) for The Acolyte's season finale next week, who knows? Maybe we’ll see the return of Mother Koril in a way that will leave us all breathless.

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