
Superior Iron Man #1 Review: Freemium Extremis

John McArthur

The New 52: Futures End #28 Review

AXIS Tie-In: Deadpool #36-Or, What is Deadpool Doing To Iron Man?

All-New Captain America #1 Review: Sam’s First Flight

Marvel Pick Of The Week – November 12, 2014

Matt Conner

AXIS #5 Review: The Mutants Take Manhattan

Nick Tylwalk

Superman Unchained #9 Review

John McArthur

Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1-3 Review

Roger Lee

Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1 Review

John McArthur

Amazing Spider-Man #9 Review: The Spider-Verse Begins!

Dean McKnight

The New 52: Futures End #27 Review

Steve Lam

Legendary Star-Lord #5 Review: The Old Switcheroo

Nick Tylwalk

Marvel Pick Of The Week – November 5, 2014

Matt Conner

AXIS #4 Review: It’s Inversion Baby!

Nick Tylwalk

Superman Unchained Recap: Issues 1-8

John McArthur

Death of Wolverine: Deadpool and Captain America Review–Is This How Logan Returns to Life?

Roger Lee

The New 52: Futures End #26 Review

Steve Lam

Marvel Pick Of The Week – October 29, 2014

Matt Conner

Deathlok #1 Review: The Deepest Cover Ever

Nick Tylwalk

Deathstroke #1 Review

John McArthur

The Flash #35 Review: Present And Future Collide

Nick Tylwalk

Avengers #37 Review: Trust Issues

Nick Tylwalk

The Multiversity: The Just #1 Review

Steve Lam

The New 52: Futures End #25 Review

Steve Lam

AXIS #3 Review: Deja Vu All Over Again

Nick Tylwalk

Marvel Pick Of The Week – October 22, 2014

Matt Conner

Uncanny X-Men #27 Review: What Is Cyclops Up To?

Roger Lee

Daredevil #9 Review: The Kids Are (Not) Alright

Nick Tylwalk