15 Most powerful women in the DC Universe

These women helped the DC Universe show the world the real might of Girl Power
Gal Gadot (Diana Prince / Wonder Woman) in Zack Snyder's Justice League. Photograph by Courtesy of HBO Max
Gal Gadot (Diana Prince / Wonder Woman) in Zack Snyder's Justice League. Photograph by Courtesy of HBO Max

For some reason, female characters in any comic book universe always get slighted. It could be that stories aren't as developed in the public eye or aren't given the same amount of time and effort to marinate and grow as their male counterparts. Whatever the case, many comic labels have some mighty female characters, regardless of whether the greater public has heard of them or not.

In celebration of Women's History Month, Bam Smack Pow grabbed the brightest light bulb we could find to shine a light on the amazing women of the DC Universe and give these amazing women their flowers.

Here are the Top 15 most powerful female characters on page from DC Comics.

15. Catwoman

While traipsing through Gotham's dangerous streets with no superpowers, there is no denying the strength Selina Kyle possesses in the DC Universe.

Since 1940, she has been a fixture in Batman's world and has grown to become one of the most iconic villains—male or female—in all comic labels. With her moral compass set to only her settings, there's something admirable about that kind of moral turpitude. It changes for no one unless she wants it to be.

14. Harley Quinn

Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel was a force in DC even before Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, and a few renditions of Batman brought her to life. Her genius intellect and borderline psychosis make her a powerful foe for anyone.

She is resilient and capable of leading a group of heroes or ruling the underbelly of Gotham. And while we never got to see it, she is completely immune to toxins, so chemical terrorism is not beyond Harley Quinn to make a point.

13. Poison Ivy

Her name is Pamela Isley, and despite how Joel Schumacher made her look like a gardener with rage issues, this eco-terrorist is not to be trifled with anywhere in the DC Universe.

Her unique characteristic allows her to connect physiologically with all plant life on Earth. Even the poisonous ones, because her body can secrete toxins at will. Water Hemlock to Giant Hogweed? All she has to do is shed a tear, and you're dead.

12. Starfire

Koriand'r of Tamaran—Starfire—is a powerful alien who can suck up energy like a sponge and send it back to anyone or anything 1,000 times more deadly. Her alien-transformative energy, known as "starbolts," can eviscerate most things in the universe sent her in her path. Riddled by the demons of her past, she plays nice for many people, and many make most have an "explosive" future.

11. Hawkgirl

This enigmatic Thanagarian is also resistant to all forms of magic. Circe, Zatanna, Constantine, or even Doctor Fate—none has a chance against her. It's a pretty fantastic party trick. Along with that, she is a super sleuth and can wrangle armies up in lather with her master tactician skills.

Fortunately, we get to see what Shiera Sanders Hall is all about this summer in Superman—superhuman abilities, flight, and...uh, reincarnation?!

10. Mera

Have you ever seen a tsunami? Ever been on a cruise and seen how desolate the ocean can be? Mera can control all of it through hydrokinesis. She manipulates all liquid to her bidding.

She can take a beating as well. If the hero or villain in question can get past a water attack, Mera may get beat. However, her savvy and skill make her a problem past 10,000 leagues under the sea. From submarines to whales to overgrown men in a lazy river, Mera can rule it all.

9. Green Lantern Jessica Cruz

Sector 2814's champion and the first woman to wield the power of will, Jessica Cruz is usually seen with the fierce Simon Baz, defending the universe from evil. Aside from all the powers of any Green Lantern (e.g., Phasing, Force Field, Will Projective, Energy Creation), Jessica is an expert craftsperson of "Emerald Sight."

Whenever her green power becomes supernova bright, she can see the future and know the fruit of her actions. To make her even more fascinating, she matches Sinestro only in being the only other Lantern to be Green and Gold. She's a beast!

8. Raven

Like Starfire, her reputation in the Teen Titans made her seem more cute than a calculating hellion. Raven's dad is a demon and her soul is black with dark magic. At times, she gets so impulsive, she can't control her power—and that's where everyone dies.

Her unique power is being a tele-empathetic, so her body is fighting you, and her soul goes elsewhere to fight someone else. And both are covered with this sinister force field. Imagine an emo with the power of Zeus. That's so Raven.

7. Granny Goodness

Remember Zack Snyder's Justice League? Do you recall that older lady standing next to Darkseid? That was supposed to be Granny Goodness.

She is a "New God" and his right-hand seat of power. She will destroy at will. With telekinesis, invulnerability, superhuman strength, and bloodlust uncommon among male villains, there's no wonder Darkseid keeps her so close. It's just with all that power, she has one single weakness—that ridiculous name.

6. Mary Marvel (Lady Shazam)

When Mary Bromfield learned what she could do in comics, she was unstoppable. Like her long-lost twin brother, Billy Batson, her powers are divine. In fact, she is so dizzyingly smart that she knows the answers to things she has never learned. It's like a super version of James Bond.

What's so inclusive about creators Otto Binder and Marc Swayze, "SHAZAM" is an acronym, but for Mary, they're all women: S (the agility of Selena), H (the strength of Hippolyta), A (the invulnerability of Aurora), Z (the speed of Zephyrus), A (the stamina of Ariadne), M (the wisdom of Minerva).

5. Zatanna

First, let's dispel the myth (pun definitely intended): Zatanna Zatara is not a witch; she is the quintessential sorceress of the DC Universe. Known for her allegiance and force in Justice League Dark, Zatanna is not magic because she learned—it's literally in her DNA.

These genetic powers allow her to cast spells and conjure spirits without saying a word. Bending time at her whim, she is someone you want on your side because seldom is a power that can defeat her magic.

4. Supergirl

Kara Zor-el has been seen in several depictions, but none of them quite muster the power she possesses in comics. She has all the power of her older cousin with no compunction to use it at will. She has learned from the frailty of Kal's duality and won't make those same mistakes to protect those she loves in the universe. Because she was raised in a Kryptonian culture, she has the power and intellect of Zod with the will from the family El. Supergirl deserves the same veneration as Superman does.

3. Grail

Meet your worst nightmare, DC Universe. Grail is an Amazon (Hi, Wonder Woman) who happens to be the daughter of Darkseid (And hello, Superman). That DNA mix is more like a Molotov cocktail.

She possesses the superhuman everything of the Amazons and is a master of Omega Beams and the Anti-Life Equation like Daddy Dearest. In addition, she is an Occult magician and often calls upon dark magic at her bidding. She is fierce and could promptly whoop up on any dude in the known universe.

2. Big Barda

It was one of the most significant thuds in the Zaslav WBD timeline. Ava DuVernay was making the "New Gods" into a movie, possibly a series of them. And it would have been outstanding. It would have introduced Darkseid because of Jack Kirby's dynamic comic storyline, "Fourth World."

Leading the way would have been Big Barda, a New God from Apokolips. Scott Free, aka Mister Miracle, is an adopted son of Darkseid. This woman is everything Darkseid is; she used to hang with Granny Goodness. Big Barda typified "Girl Power," and we should still be angry that we can't see her in movies.

1. Wonder Woman

She's the heroine from Themyscira, one of the "DC Trinity." Wonder Woman is more than an Amazon princess and a demigoddess along Zeus' bloodline. She is immortal and indestructible. In 2012's Justice League #11, she knocked out Superman by kicking him in his jaw of steel.

Her strength and powers are otherworldly, but what she has done for girls searching for a role model in the DC Universe is part of a separate universe. She was made to do more than a super man; Diana Prince did what only a Wonder Woman could do.