By just about any measuring stick, we're living in a golden age for super hero movi..."/> By just about any measuring stick, we're living in a golden age for super hero movi..."/>

Top 10 Songs From Super Hero Movies

10 of 11

2. “Kiss From a Rose” – Seal – “Batman Forever”

Here’s the rare case where the song and movie have an almost symbiotic relationship. “Kiss From a Rose” made it briefly to #20, then dropped off the charts altogether. Then Joel Schumacher asked to use it in “Batman Forever,” and it made a triumphant return that took it all the way to the top of the Hot 100 for one week. And if you say this isn’t the first thing you think of when someone mentions this movie, you’re probably lying.

Since this was a #1 hit, it can only mean that the last song made it that far as well. We broke the tie by considering the cultural impact of the last remaining song.