Now that we know for sure The Flash is going to be speeding his way onto our TV sets <..."/> Now that we know for sure The Flash is going to be speeding his way onto our TV sets <..."/>

10 Flash Villains I’d Like To See On TV

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6. The Thinker

Originally a thorn in the side of Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick, the legacy of the man with the Thinking Cap has lasted for decades. Assuming The Flash has more of a science-based bent, it would make sense for the artificial intelligence version of this character to cause trouble in Central City. After all, what could cause trouble at a speed fast enough to challenge Barry Allen than a rogue AI?

On top of that, any kind of threat involving computers would be a natural way for the writers to have Felicity Smoak make a guest appearance. Considering the impression that Barry made on her, that’s something that viewers are going to want to see.