Now that we know for sure The Flash is going to be speeding his way onto our TV sets <..."/> Now that we know for sure The Flash is going to be speeding his way onto our TV sets <..."/>

10 Flash Villains I’d Like To See On TV

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5. Captain Boomerang

You’ll have to excuse me for finding the silliest images possible for some of these villains. It wouldn’t seem right to have a Flash show without some f0rm of Captain Boomerang around to pester him, though not with giant boomerangs to send our hero into orbit around the moon.

A lot depends on just how fast Barry Allen is capable of running in the TV series. The guess here is that his upper limit won’t even approach the speed of light, meaning old Digger Harkness could give him a run for his money using properly gimmicked boomerangs — and we’ve already seen Oliver use a few trick arrows on Arrow. Plus any excuse to get an Australian accent into the mix is one you’ve got to use.