Dark Knight Rises Toys from Hot Toys

Greetings Batman geeks and nerds! I just found an article on Topless Robot about new Dark Knight Rises toys from Hot Toys.

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"Yes, for perhaps the first time ever, Hot Toys blinked at doing something extravagant. Realizing that a vehicle as big as your living room that would have to cost over a grand might actually be daunting to the less-than-dedicated collector (a.k.a. wusses), they created a new (to them) 6″ scale for Batman figures, allowing for a totally reasonable (again, for them) price tag of $838.48."

As you can see from the photo and the quote from the original article, the main focus on this toy set is the Bat that Batman flew in The Dark Knight Rises. See the Topless Robot article, written by Luke Y. Thompson, here. Thompson has a point, this vehicle is a bit on the ridiculous side, I’ve got to admit. I cannot justify spending over $800 on any toy set, even for my love of Batman.

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