The first season of The Flash already has its Captain Cold, but what about his opposite number on the temperature spectrum?
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That would be Heat Wave, another member of Flash’s Rogues, and The Hollywood Reporter says that he’ll be played by Dominic Purcell and first appear in the show’s fourth episode this fall. Fittingly, Heat Wave and Captain Cold will be portrayed by actors who already know each other well, as Purcell and Wentworth Miller, who will play Cold, starred together on the Fox show Prison Break.
In the comics, Heat Wave is actually Mick Rory, a pyromaniac since youth who uses a flame-proof suit (originally made of asbestos!) and a flamethrower to become a super villain. He is a bit of a frenemy to Captain Cold, as their contrasting powers and personalities make some clashes inevitable, though they end up working together plenty along with the rest of the Rogues.
I’d expect the TV version of Heat Wave to have his powers internalized thanks to the S.T.A.R. Labs accident that provides the origin of so many characters, but we’ll see in just a few months. We’ve also added Heat Wave to our list of confirmed DC characters on Season 1 of The Flash, which begins on October 7.