Thor #2 Review: Hammer Time


Think you know who the mystery woman is running around as the new Thor? Maybe not.

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Freyja seemed like the most obvious suspect after the previous issue, but after the new Thor was silent in her brief previous appearance, we get to hear her speak and see what she’s thinking in Thor #2. The Goddess of Thunder sounds like an Asgardian, but her internal thought processes certainly don’t. In fact it appears Jason Aaron wants us to think this woman is new to not just Mjolnir, but to the finer points of the Ten Realms in general.

There’s a lot more action this time out than in the series debut, and that’s both good and bad. The positive side is that we find out more about the new Thor’s prowess right along with her. The negative is that even though Russell Dauterman’s character designs and sense of perspective continue to be superb, there are some action scenes where I literally couldn’t tell what was going on. There are some funky things going on with motion and sound effects that make some of the fight scenes muddled, and the lightning coming from Mjolnir doesn’t even look like lightning. Experimenting and making things your own is always good, but not when it confuses the reader.

Fortunately, the issue ends on a high note, with Thor in a bad spot and Dauterman showing us a menacing group of frost giants with Malekith leading their charge. There’s a lot left to learn about this Thor — and Thor Odinson, for that matter, who sits this one out — but this creative team is giving us plenty of reasons to stick around.

We can talk more, but only after this …


The first order of business for Thor is for her to figure out how to use Mjolnir to fly. It’s harder than it looks.

She makes it to Earth, discovering some frozen but still living Asgardians and setting off in search of the Frost Giants.Some Avengers have met the same icy fate, but there’s no time for self-doubt as the Jotunns attack. Fortunately, the Goddess of Thunder proves a natural when using the hammer in combat.

On Roxxon Island, CEO Dario Agger heads for safety as the Frost Giants attack, seeking the giant skull Roxxon found in the final issue of the previous Thor series. He’s got Ulik the Troll to run interference, but there’s just too many invaders. Thor shows up, and even though Agger has doubts about the Goddess of Thunder’s bona fides, he’s still happy to see her temporarily on the same side.

Alas, as the CEO ducks into his safe room and orders the vibranium core doors with adamantium coatings to close, he inadvertently traps Mjolnir in with him. That leaves Thor without her weapon, and as she says to herself to close out the issue, “What am I without it?”

Favorite moment: With Agger and the Jotunn all openly skeptical, Thor can’t resist a little smack talk: “Tell me how much did it hurt whenever Thor would punch you? More or less like this?” Yep, looks like it.

Final thought: After issue #1 covered tons of ground and jumped around to several different points of view and locations, this one felt almost too decompressed in comparison. I think there’s a sweet spot in the middle, and I bet this creative team will find it soon.

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