Five Lame Villains We Don’t Need To See On The Flash

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 4. Magenta

First of all, Magenta is a color, not a code name. It’s like if I were to name myself Green and turn to a life of super-powered crime, except at least in my case everyone would know what color I was supposed to be.

Unlike others on this list, there’s nothing lame about Frances Kane’s powers, which revolve around her mastery of magnetism. That same ability has served some pretty famous characters well, including one from DC’s competition that I shouldn’t have to name.

The thing is that he’s also way more interesting that Magenta. She started out good, helping the Teen Titans and entering into a romantic relationship with Wally West before turning into a villain with a split personality.

That worries me a lot, simply because I know how much shows on The CW love their love triangles. I’m picturing Frankie coming between Barry and Iris and then turning into a psycho ex a la Huntress on Arrow. And we don’t need any of that.

Producers, if you feel you must do a magnetic villain, do Dr. Polaris, not Magenta. At least he’s got some funky headgear going for him.

Next: Colonel what?