Rumor: Amazing Spider-Man 3 Back On?

In recent months, almost all of the talk surrounding Sony has been about how the studio was willing to put the Amazing Spider-Man series of films on the shelf. We’ve heard about possible negotiations with Marvel over Spider-Man, other movies using the characters Sony has access to — like the Sinister Six — and even crazy, left field notions like an Aunt May flick. But could The Amazing Spider-Man 3 be back in play?

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According to a report from Flickering Myth about a recent casting call, it’s possible. Bill Beckman Casting is looking for extras, male and female, 18 to 65 years old, all ethnicities, for a shoot in Atlanta. The project is described straight up as Amazing Spider-Man 3, starring Andrew Garfield (he’s Spidey) and Dane DeHaan (Green Goblin / Harry Osborn) and supposedly featuring “a new challenge to protect New York City,” which honestly could describe any Sony Spider-Man movie to date.

If true, it’s possible that Sony figures it needs some leverage in its talks with Marvel, or that some Spider-Man is better than none. After all, even though it wasn’t exactly a huge hit with either critics or fans in general, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 still made $200 million domestically and over $700 million worldwide. If Sony has stumbled into a better script for a third outing, why not put it into play?

Or, as Flickering Myth suggessts, maybe this is all some kind of misunderstanding. Certainly, if there’s going to be more casting going on, and ASM 3 is a go, we’ll hear something official from Sony pretty soon.

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