First Look: Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman In Spider-Gwen #1


I have mixed feelings about the name “Spider-Gwen.” On one hand, the spider-powered Gwen Stacy from an alternate Earth needs some way to distinguish herself from the multiple characters who already go by Spider-Woman. On the other, it’s kind of unintentionally arrogant-sounding, like if Sam Wilson accepted the shield from Steve Rogers and was like, “No Captain America for me, thanks! You can call me … Captain Sam!”

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Anyway, it’s not my place to argue with the fans, especially when this Gwen proved popular enough that when Marvel calls her “the breakout character of 2014,” in the press release for Spider-Gwen #1, it’s not really even engaging in hyperbole.

So what can we expect after the dust settles from Spider-Verse and she’s in her own ongoing series? Maybe Senior Editor Nick Lowe has a spoiler-free explanation.

“It’s a rare character that gets the public outcry that Spider-Gwen got,” Lowe said in a press release. “From the sell-out of Gwen’s first appearance to the groundswell on Twitter we’re excited to bring more Spider-Gwen into the world with the creators who started it all!”

Okay, that was just a little more promotion, which she probably doesn’t need. All I know is that Spider-Gwen will be back in her own world, trying to balance her super hero activities with school and her punk band. She also can’t tell her dad, Police Chief George Stacy, that she’s the web-slinger.

Also, there’s that Secret Wars thing coming up. You don’t suppose Gwen could end up in the same world as all the “regular” Marvel super heroes, do you?

I’m getting ahead of myself here. Spider-Gwen #1 is by the same creative team that introduced the character in the first place, writer Jason Latour and artist Robbi Rodriguez, and it’ll be in stores and on digital on February 25. Oh, and we have a first look at it below, which was the purpose of this post. Variant covers are by Kris Anka, Adam Hughes and Skottie Young.

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