Sony, Marvel Reach Spider-Man Movie Deal, Will Appear in MCU

It’s a deal that has been rumored for a while. Marvel and Sony were talking Spider-Man movie rights, then they weren’t talking, then they were talking again. The Sony hack unfortunately spilled some details into the light that were meant to be kept secret. But all that is behind us now, because the deal is done. Spider-Man is coming home to Marvel, at least in part.

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Marvel announced Monday night that it had reached an agreement with Sony that will essentially allow them to share Spider-Man in movies. First, Spidey will appear in an unnamed movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After that, a new Spider-Man movie will be released on July 28, 2017, with Sony having financing, ownership and creative control rights but Kevin Fiege of Marvel serving as co-producer.

Amy Pascal, who is leaving Sony to start her own production company will also co-produce. It was kind of a strange announcement that came down recently regarding how her company would still work on Amazing Spider-Man films, but it makes more sense in the context of the larger announcement.

This is bound to be an announcement that is met with nearly universal approval from comic fans, who have been clamoring to see Spider-Man in the MCU. It’s a win-win for both companies, as it allows Marvel to welcome its most famous super hero into its already popular movies, and it gives Sony some much-needed rub for its next Spidey flick after the Amazing Spider-Man series was trending downhill. Since the announcement also hinted that other characters from Marvel’s side could pop up in future Sony Spider-Man movies, this is the kind of integration that was only a pipe dream as recently as a few months ago.

Since Spider-Man has featured prominently in Avengers comics for most of this century, I feel pretty confident in saying we’ll see him doing some assembling pretty soon. And it’s about time.

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