All-New Captain America #5 Review: Super Sam


I’ve long been a proponent of the idea that when someone aaks how powerful a super hero is, the correct answer is, “As powerful as the writer wants him or her to be.”

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In the case of All-New Captain America #5, Rick Remender makes it very clear that the public is waiting to be impressed by Sam Wilson. It’s not even subtle foreshadowing, as a character flat out says it in the book’s opening scene.

Does Remender go a little too far in having Wilson prove himself? Maybe a tad, but it’s fun the way it plays out, and it drives home the idea that even minus the Super-Soldier Serum, he’s still a force, and worthy of carrying the shield. There’s also a not-that-shocking return for a supporting character and some fun Plan B stuff from the villains. Also, there might be a sad death in the closing pages, but this series has fooled us already on that score.

The only real beef I have with this issue is that it kind of plays Baron Zemo as a patsy. I guess his overconfidence can be chalked up to the lack of respect he has for Wilson versus Steve Rogers, but for someone with such a fun overall scheme, it comes undone awfully easily. Kid Hydra, which is what I’m calling the boy whose blood has been at the center of this whole arc, is also starting to get on my nerves.

I’m definitely not tiring of Stuart Immonen’s art, as his action sequences continue to impress. He’s got plenty to work with here, including a full page spread of a villain I never, ever thought has looked cool before. So that’s some high praise.

I’ll have to follow him to Star Wars, since he’s headed there, and this series seems like it’s not long for this world. That’s too bad, as I feel like Sam is just starting to get his wings under him.


Well, it looks bad for Sam. Nomad is dead, Hydra is about to unleash a bunch of contaminated fleas, and Zemo has a sword at his chest. Also, people, mostly the older generation, don’t seem to believe in him.

What can Captain America do? First, he grabs onto the blade of Zemo’s sword (which really must hurt) and smacks the villain in the face with his hilt. Then he uses his power to communicate with birds to summon a whole bunch of them to eat all the fleas. Kind of hard to believe, but still awesome.

Then Nomad shows up to help beat up Zemo some more. How is he still alive after getting his throat cut. The gel in his armor gives him a healing factor. That’s not even an overused power at this point since Wolverine is dead and Deadpool will be soon.

Cap saves Lucas, a.k.a. Hydra Kid, from crashing his plane. Taskmaster has been bought off by Misty Knight, so he’s not launching the rocket that is Zemo’s backup plan. Sam and Ian feel pretty good, but Nomad has to fill in his partner on the final contingency plan. Nazi vampire Baron Blood has fed on Lucas’ blood and is going to be a suicide bomber of sorts. That doesn’t seem like it would be enough blood to sterilize everyone, but hey.

Alas, someone with a grudge from a few issues back arrives, and that someone is Batroc the Leaper, impossibly looking cool thanks to Immonen. Nomad says he’ll deal with Batroc so Captain America can get to France to stop Baron Blood.

After handcuffing Kid Hydra to a lightpost for safe-keeping, we get to our tragedy. Redwing is spying on Baron Blood, but he gets too close, and …

Vampire falcon next issue? Maybe so.

Favorite Moment: I mean, it really has to be Sam calling in the air force to eat all the fleas. Reassuring the birds that the fleas won’t hurt them is also a nice touch.

Final Thought: It seems like kind fo a shame to go into all this effort to build up Sam as a worthy Captain America in just a few short months, as I’m assuming Steve will be back either during or after Secret Wars. That’s fine, and maybe that’s why Wilson is in multiple Avengers books at the same time. So I guess the idea is that we just enjoy the ride while it lasts, and maybe Falcon will enjoy a higher profile once it’s over.

Next: When is All-New Captain America ending?

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