After Daredevil: Five More Marvel Heroes We’d Like To See On Netflix

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If Daredevil withdrawal isn’t a real thing, it probably should be.

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The blessing of Marvel’s first foray onto Netflix is that all 13 episodes of Daredevil were released simultaneously so we could gobble them all up as quickly as possible. The curse is that they left us wanting more.

Fortunately, that’s what we’re getting. Season 2 is in the works, and likely to arrive early next year. We’re also getting much more Marvel Netflix in general, including solo series for Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist and a team-up mini-series in the Defenders.

If they’re as good as Daredevil, it’ll be an embarrassment of riches. And yet, because we’re comic book and super hero fans, we can’t help but wonder what might be in store beyond that.

I’m talking about a “Phase 2” of Marvel’s Netflix initiative, in much the same way as the company’s movie plans have proceeded in well-defined stages. Marvel has so many good characters out there who could star in series of their own, and now that we know what kind of sensibility and content is welcome on the streaming service, it’s time to consider which ones could be worthy of the Netflix spotlight.

There are a number of excellent candidates, but after pondering which ones could truly bring something unique to the table, I settled on my top five. Think I missed someone or am just way off-base? Be sure to drop a comment below or hit us on Twitter.

Next: No. 5: The Spirit of Vengeance