Stephen Amell’s Arrow Contract Holding Up His WWE SummerSlam Match?


Pro wrestling haters might feel like sports entertainment is fake, but the risk of injury is certainly all too real. It’s that truth that might be the sticking point in one of the more intriguing super hero TV-related stories of the summer; namely, whether or not Arrow star Stephen Amell is going to get into the ring at the WWE pay-per-view SummerSlam.

RELATED: Stephen Amell Could Wrestle Stardust at SummerSlam

Amell’s feud with WWE wrestler Stardust has been mostly a product of social media and a very brief interaction a few weeks ago on Raw. But there’s reportedly very real interest in seeing Amell in the ring against Cody Rhodes’ alter ego, following a historic pattern of WWE enlisting celebrity involvement at some of its biggest shows.

The problem is that Amell might not be cleared to wrestle. Hollywood Life, which has been watching this story like a hawk from the beginning, cites sources that say that Amell’s “CW contract may not allow him to do it.” Not because of a conflict of interest or anything like that, but out of fear that he might get hurt.

"If he were to get injured, it is possible that the injury would alter the filming schedule [of Arrow] and that would be bad news for CW and their bottom line!"

That makes sense, but it also means that the perfect time for this would have been last year, when Amell was barely in a couple of episodes of Arrow after Oliver Queen was thought killed by Ra’s al Ghul. A golden opportunity gone by the wayside.

As a big WWE and super hero fan, I’m hoping this comes together somehow. Rhodes is a second generation pro, so he certainly would be able to structure the match in a way that would minimize the risk to Amell, though bad things can always happen in the ring regardless. It would be a win-win from an exposure standpoint, so cross your fingers.

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