Marvel Uses Secret Wars, Star Wars To Rule May Comic Sales


It’s often been said that the reason the Big Two comic publishers keep pumping out annual events despite some readers expressing an interest in taking a break from them is because they sell. That was as true as ever in May, with Diamond Comic Distributors’ full comic book sales info showing that Secret Wars led the way.

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Not only did Secret Wars #1 top all single issues sold in May, Marvel also secured the no. 3 spot with Secret Wars #2 and three other spots in the top 10 with tie-ins to the main series. Marvel also continues to reap the benefits from its relaunch of Star Wars comics, with Star Wars #5 and Darth Vader #5 also landing in the top 10.

DC’s Convergence event also did well, with two issues of that main series landing ninth and tenth. Though the story didn’t seem to have many lasting effects outside the relocation of the Earth 2 heroes to a new planet, it was an interesting read and helped buy the company time for its cross-country move and clear the decks before it unleashed the “DC You” initiative this month.

A more recent way to make a splash in individual issue sales also proved reliable once again in May. The “Loot Crate Effect” was still in full effect, with BOOM! Studios seeing Bravest Warriors: Tales of Holo John #1 land at no. 2, rarified air for the industry’s fifth-place publisher. You have to wonder at this point if everyone other than Marvel and DC should be trying to position themselves for Loot Crate assistance with big launches.

As a whole, comic sales were down double digits in dollars and just under 10 percent down in units sold from April. Still, the numbers were significantly better than May 2014, up nearly 20 percent, and the year-to-date totals continue to point for an up year for comics in general.

DC did get to claim victory in one category, with Batman: Earth-One Volume 2 leading the way in sales of graphic novels and trade paperbacks. The company’s decision to market and sell the Earth-One line in that format appears to be paying off with consistent success.

(via Comic Book Resources)

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