Comic-Con 2015: Grant Morrison To Do Multiversity Too


For the fertile imagination of Grant Morrison, 52 universes just aren’t enough. And naturally, he’s going to do something about that.

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That something is Multiversity Too, announced this morning at Comic-Con at the DC press breakfast and later confirmed during Morrison’s “Multiversity and Beyond” panel. The new saga will unfold as a line of original graphic novels, beginning with Multiversity Too: The Flash in 2016.

Which Flash? That’s the tricky part to guess, as Morrison told the press he just felt like there should be an infinite number of multi verses, referencing string theory and the notion that science was only now catching up to what DC was putting into comics decades ago in terms of dimensions and alternate realities.

The initial DC press release mentioned Earths we’ve already seen in the original Multiversity series, but it’s pretty clear Morrision has no intention of sticking with just the worlds he’s already mapped out, even with seven spots in his initial concept still in revealed (though we now know that one will be the “Earth M” of the returned Milestone heroes).

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No art teams or further details were announced, but one would expect DC to pair Morrison with some top talent for the new books. The writer did tell Bam Smack Pow he doesn’t have a map laid out just yet like the one he did for the initial series.

Expect to see more details on Multiversity Too and the other project announced at Morrison’s panel, a line of black-and-white graphic novels appropriately named Batman: Black and White, in the months to come.

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