SDCC 2015: Archer Thinks Batman v Superman Wouldn’t Last Long


Sadly the cast of Archer was not at this year’s San Diego Comic Con, but that didn’t stop Archer and a few of his co-workers from making a hilarious video mocking everything from Mad Max to Ant-Man and taking a potshot at the admitted ridiculousness of a premise like Batman v Superman.

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In the video below, Archer predicts that a fight between Batman and Superman would last maybe 15 seconds. Why? Well the usual reasons. Batman at the end of the day, is just a rich dude. Superman is nearly invulnerable, super fast, super strong, etc. Pam does bring up the “what if Batman had Kryptonite something” argument, but Arher just waves her off as crazy. He does seem pretty stoked about Star Wars though:

Archer airs on the FX network, and it’s definitely one of my favorite shows. And catch the hopefully longer than 15 seconds showdown between Batman & Superman when Batman v Superman opens in theaters March 25th.

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