Sly Spider-Man Reference In Ant-Man (Spoilers)


About 3 weeks ago we posted about speculations that the Marvel movie Ant-Man would contain Spider-Man and Oscorp references. Well, 50% of that prediction came to be true, in the form of a subtle “name drop,” or in this case, “skill drop.” In one of the ending scenes, as narrated by Ant Man’s buddy in crime Michael Peña, Falcon meets up with a “stupid fine” female writer, played by the wonderful Anna Akana. Falcon seems to be looking for a certain someone who shrinks, and after meeting up with the red winged hero the writer asks him what kind of person he’s looking for saying something akin to, “We have a guy who can jump. A guy who can swing. A guy who can crawl up walls.” Well doesn’t that sound familiar? It sort of sounds like a young hero named Spider-Man. Supposedly this line was originally generic, until it was slightly altered to its current form, and serves as the first mention of the web-slinger in the MCU. Oh how times have changed since the days we lamented Sony’s claim over Spider-Man’s movie rights.

falcon writer spidey
falcon writer spidey /

And while Falcon settles for finding Ant-Man, who he also refers to in the after credits scene while talking to Cap, Spider-Man is rumored to first appear in Captain America: Civil War. Knowing that in the comics Peter Parker first sided with Iron Man, before defecting to Captain America’s team, it’ll be interesting to see how Marvel will put its cinematic twist on the story. I feel like two heroes named Ant-Man and Spider-Man would get along, and hopefully we’ll be seeing the two of them together soon.

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