The Flash Casts Its Wally West

All of the casting announcements for The Flash are followed with great interest by its fans, but this one might be more notable than most: we know who’s going to be playing Wally West in Season 2.

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That news comes via IGN, who says that Keiynan Lonsdale will be TV’s Wally West. Though it hasn’t been officially revealed, it seems logical that Wally will be the nephew of Iris West as he was in both the original and New 52 DC Comics continuities.

A bigger question is whether he’ll get a chance to don the lightning bolt and tap into the Speed Force himself. The original Wally West hardly needs an introduction, as the long print “death” of Barry Allen meant that he was “the” Flash for a whole generation of readers, perhaps the only legacy hero other than Dick Grayson to truly graduate from kid sidekick (as the original Kid Flash) and Teen Titan to legitimate adult hero and Justice League stalwart.

The more recent take on Wally, pictured above, doesn’t have nearly as much history on his side — nor as much love from the fans, if we’re being honest. The guess here is that like most things on The Flash, we’ll see elements from all iterations of the character used to bring life to a fresh take on TV.

Certainly, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg made it sound like there’s every reason to think this Wally will be zipping around at super-speed at some point during his comments to IGN:

"Just like when we met Grant [Gustin] for the first time, we instantly knew Keiynan embodied all the heart and courage of a hero. We are so excited to be bringing this much-beloved character onto the show."

“Heart and courage of a hero,” eh? Hmm …

I’ve not seen Lonsdale in action, but you might have if you’re a fan of the Divergent movies. We’ll get a chance to watch him together when The Flash returns for Season 2 on October 7 on The CW.

Next: Confirmed DC Heroes and Villains in The Flash and Arrow This Season

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