Arrow: Don’t Expect Powers Or A Code Name For Diggle In Season 4


John Diggle might be getting closer to becoming a member of the mask and code name set in Season 4 of Arrow, but his steps toward becoming a full-fledged super hero will apparently be small ones.

We’ve already seen that Diggle will be getting a new helmet and suit to wear when he operates in the field, and some fans even think they know which DC hero he’ll become. It’s just not going to be a complete transformation, at least according to actor David Ramsey.

RELATED: Will John Diggle Become The Guardian on Arrow?

Ramsey tweeted an apparent conversation between himself and his young son (especially since it was followed by one that simply used the hashtag #toddlermusings) that put the kibosh on any thoughts of Diggle getting cool powers or a name that Cisco Ramon would love.

That doesn’t mean the Guardian couldn’t be in Diggle’s future, it’s just not in his character to embrace that kind of thing himself. With no real threat of cancellation, the Arrow team could easily be playing the long game here, with the shield emerging in Season 5, perhaps as a concession that Team Arrow is finding itself up against more metahuman criminals.

Diggle is realist, so reluctantly upgrading his crime-fighting arsenal over time makes perfect sense. And it could be the media or the aforementioned Cisco that ends up dubbing him with a moniker that sticks.

No matter what he calls himself, we’ll look forward to seeing Diggle kick more butt when Arrow returns for Season 4 on October 8.

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