Legends Of Tomorrow: No Booster Gold In Season 1, But Maybe “Bigger Things”


DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will have a heavy time travel element. Booster Gold is a DC hero who knows quite a bit on that subject, plus he’s the father of a character who figures to play a main role in the upcoming series, Rip Hunter (played by Doctor Who alum Arthur Darvill). Those facts have led to some serious anticipation concerning a possible appearance by Booster when the show debuts next year, but the showrunner says we might have to wait a bit.

That info comes from a Comic-Con interview with said showrunner Phil Klemmer, that The Hollywood Reporter published this weekend. He made it clear that we won’t see Booster Gold in Season 1 of the series, though he also teased something potentially even better for the character’s loyal fans.

"I wish I could tease a Booster thing but, you might have to wait a good long while at least on our show. Perhaps Booster is being groomed for bigger things."

THR speculates that maybe Klemmer is talking about Warner Bros. wanting to use Booster in one of its DC movies currently in development. There’s nothing that says the same heroes can’t show up on TV and on film despite them existing as separate fictional universes — indeed, we’re about to have two different Barry Allen Flashes by this time next year — but WB does ask its TV creators to stay away from certain characters at times.

The other logical guess is that Booster Gold could be a main cast member on a future season of Legends of Tomorrow, maybe even taking over for Hunter as the resident time expert. Since the producers have already been preparing us for a changing cast and standalone seasons like True Detective from year to year, you certainly can’t rule that possibility out.

Whatever the case, it’ll be fun having Michael Jon Carter and his special brand of super hero hijinks around, wherever, and perhaps most importantly, whenever we get a chance to see them.

(via Comic Book Resources)

Next: Legends of Tomorrow: Casper Crump Will Play Vandal Savage

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