Powers Make Batman Even More Of A Jerk


Batman has never been the easiest hero to get along with. He often thinks he knows better than everybody else and does not play well with others. He honestly can be kind of a jackass sometimes. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t have any super powers? Well, Batman recently acquired the powers of the god of knowledge in the Justice League comic, and they only seem to amplify his more negative personality tributes.

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In Justice League #43, Batman, armed with the infinite knowledge of the universe thanks to the Mobius Chair, thinks he can do no wrong. He literally floats above his teammates as if to be both literally & figuratively above them, orders them around, and even constantly cuts them off mid-sentence.

But that’s not the worst of it. I think the Justice League could handle Batman being an arrogant ass if he was around to help out. Instead at the end of Justice League #43, Batman abandons the team to pursue his own mission. Will Batman be able to turn things around? We probably won’t find that out til issue #44.

h/t ComicBook.Com

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