Suicide Squad Visits Lemonade Stand


OK, maybe they aren’t all bad.

Suicide Squad‘s Margot Robbie and Jai Courtney recently made a pretty cool appearance to a local Toronto lemonade stand for a pretty cool reason.  5 year old Na’ama Uzan created the stand to raise money for treatment of her brother’s rare neurological disease.

"“I heard about Na’ama’s story and what she’s doing for her brother Nadav,” Courtney told CTV Toronto at the lemonade stand on John Street. “There’s no act too small when you’re talking about making a difference.”Na’ama’s older brother, Nadav, suffers from Angelman Syndrome, a rare congenital disorder caused by genetic malformations. The disability makes it difficult for the seven-year-old to walk or speak, and he has frequent seizures.Determined to help her brother, Na’ama opened the lemonade stand in 2014 to raise money for the Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics (FAST)."

"Na’ama said she hopes her efforts will mean that one day “all the Angelman kids will be able to talk and not have seizures and epilepsy.”"

Robbie and Courtney were particularly impressed with Uzan’s level of resolve and organization, especially considering she’s only 5.

"“I used to do little stands like this when I was little and I’d just spend the profits on lollies at the corner store,” said Robbie. “I’m glad she’s doing something far more noble with the cause.”The girl’s mother, Ru Uzan, said the increased awareness and fundraising have already helped improve Nadav’s condition."

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As of right now,  Na’ama has raised over $64,000 dollars for Angelman Syndrome, an illness that effects 1 out of every 15,000 people in Canada.

Source: ctvnews

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