Weirdworld #1 Keeps Things Strange This December


Of all of the Secret Wars tie-ins, Weirdworld is the one where truth in advertising has reigned supreme. It’s just a crazy mish-mash of ideas and characters, one that Marvel felt was too good to do away with after the even ends.

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So it’s sticking around. Under the watch of writer Sam Humphries and artist Mike Del Mundo, Weirdworld #1 is coming our way in December to tell us all about Becca. She’s just an ordinary girl, which would be fine if she was someplace ordinary. In Weirdworld, though, that’s likely to get her kind of dead. All she wants to do is make it home alive, but it’s not going to be easy in a place where the possibilities for what she could encounter are endless

“Weirdworld is a place where anything can happen,” Humphries said in an interview with “Weirdworld is a place inside the Marvel Universe. Weirdworld is a place where the lost can be found. But only if you’re strong enough … Weirdworld is a place that is ever changing, always chaotic, and a place of infinite discovery. Its essential nature is so mysterious that no complete map can ever be created. It is a polyglot of fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and other weird things dug up from the brains of myself and [artist] Mike Del Mundo.”

That sounds both insane and amazing. Why can’t it be both? We’ll see if it is when Weirdworld #1 hits comic shops and digital in December. In the meantime, if you’ve got any spare lucky charms or prayers you want to send Becca’s way, she might be needing them.

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