Why Is It So Hard To Figure Out When Secret Wars Issues Are Coming Out?


Apologies are never fun, but even less so when you’re saying you’re sorry for something that isn’t really your fault. If any of you thought Secret Wars #6 was coming out today, perhaps because we’ve been trying to keep an updated list of delays to the Secret Wars main series and tie-ins, that’s our bad.

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Except it really isn’t, because trying to keep track of the release dates for the second half of Secret Wars is becoming a full time job in and of itself. Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool did a post on August 24 advising everyone that Secret Wars #6 was pushed back to September 16 (which we missed, thus failing to update our list). Except that’s no longer true either, as the issue won’t be in stores until September 23, with #7 delayed until October 28.

That info comes directly from Marvel.com, so you can feel confident it’s the most up-to-date info around right now. A bigger question would be why marvel hasn’t made it easier to figure out when these issues are coming. Yes, it’s probably not ideal to have to publicize the fact that the series is suffering from these kinds of delays, but it isn’t hurting sales, and fans seem to be forgiving on the whole since the story has been so good. So why not just make it more clear when the remaining issues will be in stores?

I don’t have an answer for that. Marvel, if you read this, please consider doing official press releases when you shuffle the dates around so everyone knows what’s going on. Your readers will probably be more happy knowing the answers than they are upset that the issues are getting later and later as the series goes on. Heck, I bet they won’t even mind that All-New, All Different Marvel is going to launch with three issues of Secret Wars still to follow if you’re just up front about it with them …

Next: Secret Wars #5 Review

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