Rumor: More Batman In Batman V Superman?

Superman is supposedly the most recognizable super hero in the world. Yet Batman is arguably more popular, especially here in the U.S. There’s a reason why we ranked him number one in our list of the 50 greatest super heroes ever, and it’s the same reason Warner Bros. chose to call its upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice even though it’s a follow-up to Man of Steel.

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(Okay, yeah, alphabetical order might have something to do with it too. Or at least you can keep telling yourself that if you prefer Superman.)

In any case, the latest Batman v Superman rumor from Umberto Gonzalez and Heroic Hollywood has to do with this informal pecking order and how it might play out in the film. Specifically, it seems that Warner Bros. prefers the Dark Knight to the Man of Tomorrow as well, at least as they appear in this particular movie.

"The latest hot rumor I am hearing is that Warners is requesting more Batman be put in the movie and less Superman. Supposedly, Ben Affleck’s Batman is so good that he is blowing Henry Cavill’s Superman right off the screen."

The first thing I thought of when I read that was the famous “More Cowbell” sketch from Saturday Night Live. We can only hope that Christopher Walken is involved in this too, yelling at random Warners employees to get him more Batman.

Jokes aside, along with the fact that Affleck simply has a bigger name than Cavill, it’s hard to blame the actor playing Superman. Zack Snyder didn’t do him many favors in Man of Steel, especially with that devastating final battle against Zod. He was almost doomed to come off as the second fiddle in this confrontation.

Hopefully we see the two heroes on roughly equal footing, regardless of what the execs want, because that will benefit the DC movie universe going forward. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice isn’t due in theaters for another six months though, so there is time to make changes if that is indeed what Warner Bros. really thinks is best.

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