Dragon Con 2015: Danielle Panabaker Press Conference

This past weekend was Labor Day Weekend, and for about 70,000 geeks and nerds it was also the weekend of Dragon Con, the sci-fi, fantasy, comic book and everything nerdy annual extravaganza that takes place in Atlanta, Georgia. Yours truly was lucky enough to get in as a member of the press, and even luckier to attend a press conference with The Flash star Danielle Panabaker (who plays Caitlin Snow). The following is a transcription of a portion of that press conference.

What are your thoughts on how the many changes we saw at the end of the season (Iris joining the team, Cisco possibly getting a taste of his Vibe powers, and everything that happened with Wells) will effect that happy friendly vibe of Team Flash that we saw in Season 1?

"You know, what I think is good about the show is the inherent chemistry between us all, which is really nice. So, um, I think that will stick. I mean obviously some time is going to pass between the Season 1 finale and Season 2 premiere, and so that will give the various characters some time to sort of deal with the changes."

If Season 2 will be taking place several months after the events of the finale, it will be interesting to see how your characters will be adjusting without Harrison Wells.

"The season premiere will address some stuff that happened in the finale, it’s not like there’s some title that says “six months later.” We will deal with the singularity and everything that’s going on. And Tom’s (Tom Cavanagh) still on our show."

With the introduction of Patty Spivot in Season 2, and knowing that she loves science, will we get to see her interact with your character in S.T.A.R. Labs?

"I would love that, Shantel (Shantel VanSanten) is amazing. We’re really, really lucky, the two big additions to our cast this season, Shantel and Teddy ( Teddy Sears) are so wonderful. I mean, they truly feel like they belong on the show. Shantel and I have met, and she’s great, but we haven’t worked together yet as of episode six. But my understanding is that that will change, and I’m looking forward to it. I don’t know what context it will be in; hopefully she’ll come to S.T.A.R. Labs, I think Caitlin needs some girlfriends."

Are you hoping that Caitlin gets out of the lab more this season?

"Always! My favorite episodes of last season were the karaoke episode and 13 and 14 where everything happened with Ronnie and Firestorm. Caitlin’s out of the lab and it’s fun to see that. Of course I want more, I wish I was in charge of these things."

So what can you tell us about Killer Frost?

"Oh man, no one is more excited for Caitlin to become Killer Frost than I am, unfortunately I don’t know when that will happen. You know it’s hard, on the show the writers will say “oh, this is what’s going to happen, we’re looking forward to this, this is what we’re thinking,” and then as scripts evolve, sometimes things don’t make it into the scripts as soon as we would hope, and then sometimes we shoot things that don’t even make it into the show. I think our Season 1 finale ran something like 20 minutes long, so that’s like 20 minutes of stuff that they cut out of the storyline. Long story short, I am useless in terms of Killer Frost. I want it to happen very, very badly. Unfortunately, I don’t know that it’s happening anytime soon."

What can you say about the Jay Garrick storyline?

"What can I say about the Jay Garrick storyline? I love Teddy. Like I said, he’s a wonderful addition to the show, and I’m very excited to have him on the show. I’m breaking out in hives like, “Oh my God, what am I not supposed to say?”"

Are there any scenes that you see the script for and you get excited to do?

"Ooh yeah I feel like every … oh shoot, I’m not allowed to tell you what’s happening in seven, we’re shooting episode six and so we have the script for seven, and seven’s going to be really cool. I feel like every week there is something new and often challenging, like, “Really, we’re going to pull this off? Alright, can’t wait, sign me up!”"

Doctor Wells was a mentor to Cisco and Caitlin, and they depended on him for a lot of different situations, but we eventually see Martin Stein come into play (as a mentor). So will we continue to see him or will he not be involved at all?

"Yes, we will see more of Professor Stein, which is great. Episode four I get to work a lot with Victor (Victor Garber), which is so nice. So yes, he will be around for a little while. Obviously, Legends of Tomorrow is coming, they start production next week, but yeah, he’ll be around for a little bit."

Speaking of which, will you be involved in Legends of Tomorrow at all?

"I would love to at one point. Again, things change and it depends. It’s going to be interesting to see how they can incorporate just schedule wise with everyone working together and crossovers. I would love to. They have huge plans for Legends. and there are so many characters. Obviously Caitlin’s very closely tied to Firestorm. and Captain Cold and Heat Wave originated on The Flash, so it would be great to go over there."

 Since they have similar powers, are you hoping to team up with Captain Cold when you’re Killer Frost?

"Wouldn’t that be great? Talking about the (Killer Frost) story line, I was like, “I feel like Captain Cold should be involved in the way Caitlin becomes Killer Frost in a way somehow.” I would love that. I don’t know, there could be a little Stockholm Syndrome involved. But I certainly thought it was a great idea. I don’t know if it’ll come to be, but it would be fun."

You can see Danielle Panabaker as Dr. Caitlin Snow on The Flash, the second season of which begins October 6th on The CW.

Next: The Flash: New Promo Features Jay Garrick

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