Jesse Eisenberg Really, Really Likes Batman v Superman


Even though he still doesn’t get the Geek Culture thing, Jesse Eisenberg is trying to make everyone understand that he really, really likes Batman v Superman and his role in it.

In a new interview Eisenberg apologizes for his ‘genocide’ comments about Comic-Con and tries hard to convince us he loves being Lex Luthor.

"Listen, the responsibility is on me to keep my guard up when discussing something that is going to be parsed. I’m not new to it but I should be savvier. The truth of the matter is I had a wonderful experience at Comic-Con because people loved the movie that I was in. In my attempt to make a dumb, self-deprecating joke I maybe hurt people’s feelings and that’s wrong.Whether or not people had a sense of humor is another story.There’s this two-pronged pressure that I feel. You do so many interviews and there’s this tacit request to be honest and open and yet then there’s this simultaneous flogging of a person who says things, says things that are only 1 percent off center. That said, I’m not excusing myself. I’m a smart enough person to be aware that certain comments are taken in different ways."

OK, I get it. Fine. We can get past the comments pretty easily, I simply am more concerned with why he said them, not what he said. But whatever. What about the movie itself?

"A lot of great actors are doing comic book adaptations.  But that’s because those movies have become so good."

Sounds like backtracking, but I’m willing to listen.

"In a lot of ways Luthor is more of a stretch than any character you would do in an independent movie, which is normally the place you stretch. So in that way it was not at all compromised. If anything it was the best, most advantageous role I’ve ever been given.[Writer Chris] Terrio cleverly ties in these really exciting superhero elements with these really sophisticated, philosophical themes in a much smarter, different way."

Via: The Observer

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He hasn’t seen a lot of comic book films, it seems. But that’s OK. he’s starting to say the right things and doesn’t want to alienate his audience. That’s fine with me. I just hope he doesn’t end up like one of the critics in Birdman.

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