Jeremy Irons Promises A ‘Different’ Alfred In Batman v Superman


Jeremy Irons is the latest in a long line of actors to inhabit the role of Bruce Wayne’s loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth. But Jeremy Irons promises his Alfred will be different from previous versions.

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"Zack Snyder, the director, wanted to create a completely different Alfred. So I felt I didn’t have to carry any baggage from previous ones. It’s sort of a reincarnation if you’d like. I had a feeling I was creating my own Alfred, more of a man who can actually do anything if he has to."

I’m sure Jeremy Irons will bring a strong performance, but every permutation of Alfred has been done. Maybe different from only the movies, where’s he’s usually just an elderly father figure. We’ll see what different means when Batman v Superman comes out March 25th.

h/t Toronto Sun

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