New Details on Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman


You can watch both the Comic Con trailer and the teaser trailer, read the new Total Film magazine, and listen to interviews with director Zack Snyder and his associates and still not know much plot-wise regarding the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film.

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One of the few details fans have recently learned is that Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor is actually the son of the Lex Luthor who we’re all familiar with.  And now, another detail has surfaced regarding the character of Luthor in the film.  British movie theater chain Odeon Cinemas just released a synopsis of the film, different from the official Warner Bros. one:

"At long last, see Batman and Superman square off against each other in ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’, an epic superhero showdown which will change both their lives forever.  Clark Kent doesn’t trust Gotham’s mysterious masked vigilante. Bruce Wayne doesn’t trust the alien who nearly destroyed Metropolis. And Lex Luthor, who hates Superman more than anyone, is manipulating both of them for his own twisted ends.  Choose your side: the Man of Steel or the Dark Knight? Learn the answer to the age-old question – who would win? – in ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’."

Fans have been wondering what kind of a role Luthor will play.  Will he be the main antagonist?  We still don’t know, but based on this synopsis, we now do know that he will be manipulating Batman and Superman for his own good.  I like this idea, and it could really serve to strengthen the mistrust between the two of them.  You can check out Odeon Cinemas’ movie page that includes the synopsis here.

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We’ll have to wait and see what happens when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits big screens on March 25, 2016!  Keep it locked to Caped Crusades for continuing coverage of the film as more details surface.