Gotham: Mid-season Finale Synopsis!


Only three episodes of Gotham are left before the show takes a pretty lengthy break for the majority of the rest of the winter. Episode 9 airs this coming Monday, but a very brief synopsis of episode 11, the mid-season finale of Gotham has been released and it might give us some slight insight of what’s in store for some of our favorite (or not so favorite) citizens of Gotham!

Here is the synopsis of Episode 11 of Gotham, courtesy of the New York Post. The title’s episode has yet to be revealed, but it will air November 30th:

"When Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) is kidnapped, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) must look to some unlikely allies for help. It’s the battle of the villains — and not everyone makes it out alive."

It doesn’t take a wild leap to assume that Bruce Wayne is kidnapped by the Galavans and The Order of St. Dumas in a final attempt to extract revenge on both what’s left of the Wayne family tree and Gotham itself. It’s also likely that Gordon gets assistance from off again on again criminal allies Penguin and quite possibly Selina Kyle. Neither is fond of Gordon at the moment, but Penguin badly wants revenge on the Galavans and Selina would be willing to help Gordon if it saved Bruce’s life.

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As to everyone not making it out alive; while I feel like this would be the end for The Galavans for almost certain (I mean, where do they go from here?), Gotham has also shown quite the willingness to kill characters that while no necessarily central to the creation of Batman, are important parts of the Batman universe (i.e. Carmine Falcone & Sarah Essen).

But ultimately I think more original characters may kick the bucket. Both Butch and Captain Barnes seem likely candidates. I’d love to keep Butch around just for an eventual Fish Mooney return, but he’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t have anywhere to go story-wise and there’s little chance Penguin would just let him run his own crew in Gotham.

Also likely to die is Captain Barnes. He’s just too much of a straight edge to survive in Gotham in general, not to mention he gets in the way of Gordon getting a little dirty to get things done (and hey, Gordon needs to be Captain before he can be Commissioner).

Next: Gotham's Winter Break & Return Date

Once again Gotham’s mid-season ends with Bruce Wayne in peril. At least there’s no chance of Gordon getting demoted yet again (I hope). Who will make it to through the first half of The Rise Of The Villains? Be sure to watch the last three episodes of Gotham in 2015 to find out!