Batman v Superman: Two More DC Heroes Confirmed

Since the name of the upcoming DC superhero extravaganza is Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, one would expect more than just the world’s two most iconic heroes to be involved. Wonder Woman definitely is, as is Aquaman, but the presence of other future Justice League members has always stopped just short of being officially confirmed.

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Consider them confirmed now. According to Anthony Breznican of Entertainment Weekly, who introduced the Batman v Superman covers for the magazine’s latest print issue, both Flash and Cyborg are in the film. Breznican calls their appearances “smaller roles, more cameo-oriented.”

This info comes as no real surprise, as it’s already been well documented that Ezra Miller has been cast as the Flash and Ray Fisher as Cyborg, both of whom will be in the upcoming two-part Justice League film and their own solo movies as the DC Extended Universe expands. What hasn’t been as clear was how much screen time they’d actually get in Batman v Superman, as Warner Bros. hasn’t promoted their appearances, nor have they shown up in merchandise lines from the movie the way Aquaman has.

So where’s that leave us with the Fastest Man Alive and the half-man, half-machine hero? They will be in the movie much less than Wonder Woman, who Breznican says has a “major supporting role.” And probably less than Aquaman, even though he too doesn’t figure to have many lines. Maybe no lines at all.

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Still, they’re going to be in there, and for fans who have waited their entire leaves to see the Justice League come together on the big screen, that’s good enough. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens everywhere on March 25.