Batman #50 Review: He’s Back


With Batman #50, one of the greatest creative teams in Dark Knight history bring the curtain down on the “Superheavy” arc and knock it out of the park. 

Batman #50
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Greg Capullo and Danny Miki
Colored FCO Plascencia
Published by DC Comics

Mr. Bloom’s final plan has been set in motion and Jim Gordon cannot stop it. Gotham City is in chaos and everyone in it is at risk as a Strange Star expands, enveloping everything in its wake. Only one man has any hope of stopping Mr. Bloom: The Batman

So the end is now in sight. We all knew it was fast approaching, but I don’t think any of us really wanted to admit it to ourselves. Despite that, the reality is that with Batman #50 and the concluding chapter of “Superheavy”, it is the beginning of the end for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s acclaimed run together on the title.

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And what a run it has been. From “Court of Owls” to “Endgame” to “Death of the Family”, their Batman has been something to behold. A modern superhero masterpiece that future creative teams on the title will have to try to live up to and will probably always come up short.

That said, there will be enough time for looks back later and one more issue of greatness. Right now, let’s concern ourselves with the conclusion of “Superheavy” and the return of Bruce Wayne to the cape and cowl.

Much like every other issue of Batman done by Snyder and Capullo, issue #50 is a joy from start to finish. The issue kicks things off with a bang and it doesn’t let up for even one minute. Which, given how cerebral the book could be at times, was kind of nice to see.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved “Endgame” and “Death of the Family”, but there is just something about seeing Bruce Wayne as Batman, piloting a giant Mecha-Batman, fighting a gigantic Mr. Bloom in the ravaged streets of Gotham that the ten-year old in me absolutely loved.

In many ways, Batman #50 was the most “superhero-ish” issue of their run, which is incredibly ironic considering that whole point of “Superheavy” was to show that while only Bruce Wayne could be The Batman, anyone could be a hero.

Of course, in true Snyder fashion, it was none other than Gordon who eventually saves the day, which was great to see. I would have been really disappointed if Wayne came swinging in as Batman again and saved everyone while Gordon sat there, twiddling his thumbs. Instead he got to show that he is just as much of a hero as Batman, in many ways more so by showing his willingness to sacrifice himself for his city.

In addition, there are nice moments for the entire supporting cast, specifically Duke, who it would appear is going to officially become the new Robin, as well as the new costume.

About that new Batman costume. I dare any of you to find something wrong with it. I dare you. It could be the best reinterpretation of a classic I have ever seen and I hope it stays around for years to come.

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The Bottom Line: Batman #50 is an excellent ending to the “Superheavy” storyline and one that fans should remember for years to come. Of all the arcs Snyder and Capullo have done, “Superheavy” may turn out to be my favorite. From the art to the story to the unpredictable nature of the whole thing, it was a rollercoaster ride from the first page and one I really enjoyed.

Next, two master of their craft say goodbye to the Dark Knight. I am not looking froward to this. I might need some tissues.