Second Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer Debuts

The second trailer for the forthcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming has arrived from Sony and Marvel and it should make Spidey fans very happy.

If you were to rank the things that made comic book fans happy over the last few years, one of the items that would surely be right at the top was the agreement that Sony and Marvel Studios reached concerning Spider-Man.

After a failed attempt to reboot the franchise, Sony finally did the smart thing and reached an deal with Marvel about the future of Web-Head on film. Sony would continue to release the films while Marvel took over creative control. It was a win-win for everyone involved and most important, allowed Spider-Man to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Moviegoers got their first look at the new Spider-Man in this past summer’s Captain America: Civil War. Tom Holland donned the webs, made the role his own and won over just about everyone who saw the movie. Which was a whole lot.

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It was announced shorty afterward that Holland would be back in the appropriately named Spider-Man: Homecoming and last December the first trailer dropped. While Holland and the tone of the film got almost universal praise, other things seemed to bother fans, particularly Michael Keaton and his scenes as The Vulture.

I mean, the Vulture costume is just awful. Really, really awful.

On Tuesday Sony and Marvel released the second trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming and while it features a bit more action that the first, the big news is that while the Vulture outfit is still terrible, it goes a long way towards at least making The Vulture a worthy foe for Spider-Man.

The new trailer seems to do a lot more to address Peter Parker’s role in the greater MCU and his relationship with Tony Stark. There is a great moment where the two heroes team-up and some funny banter as Stark tries to act as a mentor for the young hero.

But the biggest thing is how it expands and explains Keaton’s Vulture and his reason for being in the film. Sure, the costume is still hideous and a huge misfire, but at least now I can get behind the character and what he brings to the movie.

In addition, it seems like Marvel is trying to make a smaller movie, if that is even possible in the MCU, than what we have seen before. While the effects are off the charts, the story seems much more grounded than the other films Marvel has made. Which considering the character makes a whole lot of sense and is something that has been missing from the movies since Spider-Man 2 in 2004.

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Get comfy, watch the trailer a couple hundred times and get ready for when Spider-Man: Homecoming arrives in theaters everywhere on July 7, 2017.