Jon Berg Hilariously Shoots Down Rumor Of Four Batman-Related Films In 2019


Jon Berg had a hilarious response to the rumor concerning four supposed Batman movies.

Over the weekend, an interesting rumor began to spread. A post from the “DCEU Leaks” Reddit forum claimed that four Batman-related films were being planned for 2019. To be honest, most people found this to be pretty ridiculous, but now we have proof of the post’s illegitimacy.

Jon Berg, co-head of the DC Films Division, heard about the rumor, and took to Twitter to shoot it down in a humorous fashion:

Well, that pretty much wraps that up. Berg is helping to oversee DC Films, so it’s safe to say that he knows what he’s talking about. As mentioned, this was a very unbelievable piece of gossip, and there are a couple of things that support that.

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First off, Warner Bros. and DC Films are having enough trouble trying to manage the DCEU films that have officially been announced. We’re still waiting for films like The Batman and Shazam to go into production, and it’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about movies like The Flash or Dark Universe. Basically, four Batman films would only be a pipe dream at this point in time.

The second reason is that producing these films for 2019 would be almost impossible. If they were all slated for the same year, then all four would have to be fast-tracked into production and filmed simultaneously. Right now, the production cycle for the DCEU has not gotten to the point where that would be plausible.

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Still, who’s to say that we won’t get four Batman-related films over the next four or five years? That seems possible. Hey, a fan can hope, right?