Patty Jenkins Talks About The Action In Wonder Woman


It looks like Wonder Woman will have some very unique action sequences.

Wonder Woman is only a few months away, and the anticipation for the film is at an all-time high. We all know that the film will differ from recent superhero movies due to the fact that it has a female lead. However, some have wondered what else might set it apart from its counterparts. Director Patty Jenkins has now shed some light on that.

In an interview released by DC Entertainment, Jenkins explained that the battles in the film are from Diana’s (Wonder Woman) point of view, and they will change how she views the world around her:

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"“Really, every action sequence is from her point-of-view and for her story. So, there was no point in the movie that we ever stepped out, and were like ‘Look at this extravaganza!’ It was always, you know, she witnesses a battle on a beach that rocks her world and changes her understanding of what warfare is. And then she comes to man’s world and she sees a war that everybody says is impenetrable and nothing can be done about it, and she says ‘What am I going to do about it?’”"

The director went on to describe how the action is very character-driven, which will make it unique compared to other superhero films:

"“It makes it like everything else I’ve ever done, because you’re just saying, ‘Here’s my character, here’s the journey that they’re on, how do I want to experience that and how do you do it?” So, I think that there are things about that that are not what superhero movies are always having to do. [They’re] 100% character driven.”"

This is intriguing and understandable. One of the biggest criticisms of blockbuster films is that the action really doesn’t mean anything and is mostly used for spectacle. Jenkins appears to have taken a more cerebral approach, which is wise. Other directors like Joe and Anthony Russo have also stated that action means nothing if it doesn’t drive a story forward or add to character development.

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The DCEU films are known for having extravagant action sequences, but they have also been criticized for lacking character development. It will be very interesting to see how this style pairs with Jenkins’ approach.

Wonder Woman comes to theaters on June 2, 2017.