Dragon Ball Super Episode 89 Synopsis: “Universal Survival Saga: A Mysterious Beauty Appears! Mystery Of Tien’s Dojo?!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 89 synopsis teases the reunion of Goku and Tien.

With the stakes named and the Tournament of Power set, all that is left is for Goku to assemble his team. The recent episodes of Dragon Ball Super show Goku’s attempts to recruit Vegeta, Krillin, No.18, and No.17.

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It appears that now Goku will turn his attention to Tien Shinhan and Master Roshi. The episode 89 synopsis describes the reunion of Goku with his mentor Master Roshi and longtime ally Tien Shinhan:

"“Gokuu goes to scout Turtle Hermit, and asks Tenshinhan since he’s there as well. However, there’s some sort of trouble going on at the dojo Tenshinhan is running?!”"

This synopsis emerges after a previous synopsis for episode 89 had mentioned an introduction of a beautiful mysterious lady to the anime:

"“When Goku visits Master Roshi’s place, Oolong tells him that he’s at the dojo Tien opened. At that time, a mysterious beauty who calls herself Eurin, shows up at the dojo!”"

Presumably, this would be linked to the trouble at the dojo. We all know Master Roshi’s weakness towards attractive women. Perhaps Goku will have his hands full averting Roshi’s attention (and containing his nose bleeds).

Or she may cause some issues with Tien himself. We all know that we can’t judge any character by their appearance in the Dragon Ball universe. It’ll be intriguing to see what this new character possesses and just how she will test Goku. He has been tested in every episode since the tournament was announced, so this may not be any different.

Goku’s relationship with Tien and Roshi goes way back. All three characters interacted in Dragon Ball. Master Roshi was an acquaintance to Goku’s grandfather. He would go on to train Goku. And Goku still sports the Turtle Hermit uniform in honor of his master.

Tien was introduced later. He began as an enemy to Goku, as both competed in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Tien narrowly defeated Goku. They ended up respecting each other after this, eventually becoming allies.

Next: Dragon Ball Super Ep. 86 Recap And Review

We anticipate the reunion of these characters. Both Tien and Roshi have appeared briefly in previous episodes. Yet, the Tournament of Power would be their greatest contribution thus far in Dragon Ball Super.

Dragon Ball Super airs on Crunchyroll Saturdays at 7:15 pm. CST.