Kevin Feige Talks About Avengers: Infinity War’s Cast and Production


Kevin Feige continues to talk up Avengers: Infinity War!

As the culmination of the entire MCU up to this point, Avengers: Infinity War and the Untitled Avengers Sequel are easily the most anticipated movies on Marvel Studios’ slate. The films will be large-scale productions and will unite a number of characters in Marvel’s shared universe. Kevin Feige has talked lightly on what to expect from the films, and what he recently had to say should make fans even more excited.

The Marvel Studios head recently spoke to Fandango about the upcoming movies. He began by addressing the fact that the studio is close to its tenth year and that they still have a number of elements to cover:

"“As we’re approaching our 10th anniversary, I think we still have a long way to go in terms of places to explore and characters to get to know. To me, that’s the most exciting part.”"

He then talked about the constant evolution of the Marvel Cinematic Universe:

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"“It’s continuing to evolve [and] continuing to surprise. It’s continuing to bring out films with characters that people have seen before and loved before, or new characters, but taking them to unexpected places, which is what I think the comics have done extremely well over the decades.”"

Following this, Feige turned his attention to Avengers: Infinity War and expressed how exciting the project is. He also gave an update on where the films are in their production cycle:

"“It’s more exciting than people are aware of right now, with what’s happening [on Infinity War]. We’re doing things you’ve never seen before with films based on comics…We’re deep into shooting; we’ve been shooting for 35 days. On most movies, you’re almost halfway there after 35 days, but on these movies we’re still just scratching the surface. We’ll be filming through the end of the year.”"

As mentioned, the films will unite many of Marvel’s popular characters, particularly the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Feige is excited about having an all-star, ensemble cast, and talked about what that dynamic is like on set:

"“There is nothing more fun about seeing superstars who carry their own franchises – and essentially have seen it all and done it all – coming onto a set and meeting other actors and A-listers and iconic characters in costumes, and seeing them get giddy. Seeing them turn into kids because of how excited they are on set. That is happening every day right now.”"

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Feige was also asked if there would be a rivalry between the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy to which he laughed and gave a simple answer:

"“All things are possible…”"

The hype for these films can’t grow anymore, and based on Feige’s comments, they will be unlike anything we’ve seen from any comic book movie.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on May 4, 2018 followed by the Untitled Avengers Sequel on May 3, 2019.