DC All Access: Writer Ben Percy talks Green Arrow

On a new episode of DC All Access, Green Arrow writer Ben Percy talks about the new storyline “Hard Traveling Hero” and what it will mean for Ollie.

If you are a longtime fan of either Green Arrow or Green Lantern, then odds are you have a copy of the seminal “Hard Traveling Heroes” storyline somewhere in your collection.

The now classic arc by legendary creators Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams has been collected numerous times over the years and with good reason. The story saw Hal Jordan and Olliver Queen hit the road for a cross-country trip that would come to define both characters and their friendship for decades to come.

But not only that, “Hard Traveling Heroes” changed in many ways the way comics were done. The arc touched on issues and topics not normally associated with comic books. It brought the real world into the world of superheroes long before The Dark Knight Returns or Watchmen.

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Needless to say, if you have never read this sometimes overlooked book, go out right now, get a copy and read it. I’ll wait.

All good? Glad to hear it.

Now you are set for the next storyline in DC’s ongoing Green Arrow title, “Hard Traveling Hero.”

It’s tough to explain how much better Green Arrow has been since DC Rebirth. The character really seemed to lose his way in the New 52 era and the book was borderline unreadable.

Now, however, Green Arrow is a title I anxiously look forward to every week it comes out. Writer Ben Percy has managed to combine the best parts of the New 52 (what few there were) with all the classic elements of the Green Arrow mythos.

In the new storyline “Hard Traveling Hero” Ollie hits the road in the wake of recent events that have left him a changed man. It sees Green Arrow team up with a number of different characters as he tries to piece his life back together.

Percy talks about the new storyline and what else he has planned in the latest episode of DC’s online news show DC All Access.

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Sounds like there is no better time to be a Green Arrow fan.

Green Arrow #26, part one of “Hard Traveling Hero” is in stores and available digitally right now. Part two arrives on July 19, so you have plenty of time to jump in with both feet.