Funko Marvel Collector Corps: August 2017 “First Appearance Avengers” unboxing

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The Unboxing!

As we pop open the Thor-adorned lid, we’re presented with this month’s patch and pin: Captain America and Nick Fury, respectively. Flipping that lid over, we have Funko’s packing slip, which also doubles as a walkthrough of how they assembed (pun intended) this box. Next up is the t-shirt. Removing that item, we have two Pop!s this time.

Keen-eyed fans will notice they don’t have a comic book this time around. I’m guessing it’s because they’re giving us two Pop!s … and that’s perfectly fine with me! The more Pop!s the merrier! After emptying all the contents, you’ll find a nicely designed interior that matches the classic Avengers theme for this month.