Every Spider-Man animated series ranked

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Image Courtesy of Disney-ABC Domestic Television and Marvel Animation for Ultimate Spider-Man (2012)

3. Ultimate Spider-Man (2012-2017)

When Disney canceled The Spectacular Spider-Man in favor of a new show, a number of fans were disappointed. But, what we got actually proved to be good television.

Bendis and Man of Action gave viewers a refreshing take on Spidey and allowed him to really grow as the series progressed. Along the way, they dove deep into Marvel Comics lore to pull out some great characters. The top-billed Iron Fist, Power Man, White Tiger and Nova are clear evidence of that. Using stories like “Spider-Verse” and “Contest of Champions” was also a nice touch.

The comedy can occasionally be laid on a bit thick, and this sometimes led to a sheer sense of nuttiness. Hearing the web-slinging hero crack jokes is fine, but having him stop to talk to the bickering sides of his conscience may be pushing it.

Ultimately (couldn’t resist), it might not have been what we were looking for, but it might have been just what we needed.