6 X-Men we want to see Disney reintroduce

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5. Ice Man

There have been six movies, with the seventh on the way, and yet we still have not had a proper introduction to Bobby Drake. Shawn Ashmore for what it’s worth wasn’t the problem, it was the misdirected character that hardly resembled his comic book counterpart. Whether it was his good guy persona or forced relationship with Rogue, we never go to see Bobby fully explored. You never got the sense that he was a rebel nor did his rebellion nature or urge to be “normal” come into play.

They rebooted the franchise with X-Men: Apocalypse, but there was no mention of Bobby. That’s probably because the convoluted timeline screw up which has Bobby being one of the younger X-Men instead of the troubled teen Professor X and Cyclops recruits. Now that Disney has the rights to the Omega-Level mutant, maybe they can get his story told the right way.